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Baste Duterte: My father won’t be a dictator, he will treat our country as his own child

 As opposed to the picture his intense talking his dad frequently extends in broad daylight, Sebastian Duterte says President-elect Rodrigo Duterte truly has a delicate heart with regards to poor people and the abused.

Duterte's youngest son denied his dad will build up an autocracy as put out by his pundits and said they don't have a clue about the genuine man behind the persona as he does.

"They say he is a tyrant. They say that he will declare military law. They say that he is a killer. On the off chance that that is genuine then I more likely than not been raised by an alternate individual on the grounds that the Rodrigo Duterte that I know instructed me to go out and share my favors," thePhilippine Daily Inquirer cited him as saying.

As indicated by the younger Duterte, his dad will provide Filipinos a superior future and to rouse them to help each other — particularly poor people.

"My dad did not run since he needs to be the president of the Philippines. He ran since he needs to send us Filipinos a message, that there could be a superior tomorrow for every one of us. He is letting us know that we ought to connect for each other. He is letting us know that we need to contactgrow humankind, particularly for poor people, the minimized and the debilitated," he said.

As a case, he related the times his dad instructed him to impart his toys to the poor kids in their neighborhood when he was youthful.

"He instructed me to treat everybody with equivalent admiration. From the time I was conceived until I was 10 years of age, we lived in a zone in Davao City that was encompassed by destitution. While we were there my dad instructed me to go out and impart my toys to alternate children," he broughtup


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